What makes his character on the show, doll-maker Topher, tick.

By T.K. DEHN, Contributing Writer
Published 2/27/2009

Fran (short for Francis) Kranz has had a good career so far, with roles in features including TRAINING DAY, MATCHSTICK MEN and THE VILLAGE and TV appearances on a variety of series, as well as a regular gig on the short-lived sitcom WELCOME TO THE CAPTAIN. However, Kranz acklowledges he’s never experienced anything quite like the frenzy of interest that has greeted DOLLHOUSE, creator Joss Whedon’s new series on Fox, airing Fridays at 9, which stars Eliza Dushku as Echo, an “Active” whose personality can be wiped and reprogrammed to be anything her employers want. Kranz plays the Dollhouse’s ethically-challenged but brilliant programmer Topher.

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@темы: Пресса, Тофер Бринк – Фрэн Крэнц