воскресенье, 27 июля 2008
'Dollhouse' plays at Comic-ConBy Tamara Brooks
Joss Whedon, Eliza Dushku, and Tahmoh Penikett rocked the house on at Saturday's Dollhouse panel. The room was packed and there was a lot of love and excitement in the air. Well, except for one person asking a question. More on that later.
читать дальшеHighlights:
- Tahmoh fits right in with Eliza and Joss and the affection among everyone on the panel extremely apparent. He was Joss' first choice for the part as he's a big fan of Battlestar Galactica and had a man-crush.
- It's revealed Eliza's character, Echo, will occasionally take on multiple personalities in a single episode. "It's not going to be simple," adds Joss. Eliza replies, "I'm ready."
- Joss quote: "Eliza's great with pain and being crazy. And also acting"
- Speaking of Eliza, she's all kinds of awesome. Just wanted to add that.
- Eliza, after stating how much she loves working with his matieral (it makes her feel sexy, smart, and strong), comes up with the quote of the night: "Joss is like a career brazeere." He's not looking forward to seeing that on a t-shirt.
- Tahmoh finished filming BSG two Fridays ago at 4am so no shooting conflict there. "But I don't want to start talking about BSG because I might start craying on stage."
- One girl got up to the mic and said she thought the show sounded a little mundane and she's not excited. Cue gasps of horror and boos from the crowd. I thought pitchforks and torches were going to pop up. Joss assures that, despite the lack supernatural or extraterrestrial themes, his writing is always character based so there's not a big a difference in the works as people may think. "I'm going to twist [things] in ways I've never twisted before. It's going to be excitiing," he says.
- When asked if he has any more ideas for independent works "up in here? [points to head]," Joss says, "Oh, it's a dark place and very crowded. I have several [ideas] and I want to do them all all the time."
- When someone asked Joss why he uses such strong female characters, there's laugher. Tahmoh doesn't know why - I'm sure someone will explain later.
- The Buffy movie question came up again. Since he's doing the comic book he's "getting his Buffy fix" but won't completly dismiss the idea (though it's bloody unlikely. But "I'm going to start working on the Dollhouse movie now. And then the opera" .
- Considering the characters sleep in coffin like beds (they're submerged in the floor with glass that slides over them), someone marks a vampiric similarity. "Well my vampires didn't [sleep in coffins] so this is new territory." He does acknowledge that the common thread is the "search of the soul" - that both vamps and dolls are considered un-people.
- Someone asked Tahmoh if Eliza's spine glows. She didn't get it so he whispered the explaination in her ear. The look on her face was priceless.
- On reshooting the pilot: "I know that scared a lot of people." He's "not going to change anything, nor was [he] asked to change, anything" about the cast, crew or story. It was just a tweak to figure out the best way to introduce the audience to the world. He started with everyone already knowing each other, then went back to film the "prequel" episode.
- Will there be a Dollhouse comic? No, because the premise hinged upon seeing Eliza transform into different people each week. That wouldn't really work in comic form. "For me this really belongs on TV," Joss says.
- When asked what he thinks about academic classes based on work, he says, "It's a huge honor in your lifetime to have people think about your work as hard or harder than you did." He digs it the most man. He also gives credit to the other writers that have worked with him. "It's not just me that's out there, it's all those other people too."
- Will there be supplemental webisodes of Dollhouse in between episodes? Yes, but he's still figuring out their structure and how they fit in with everything else. "And we will make dozens and dozens of dollars [off them]." © источник
Эхо – Элайза Душку,
Джосс Уэдон и Ко,
Пол Бэллард – Тамо Пеникетт,
The look on her face was priceless. Хочу ЭТО увидеть
в словаре такого слова нет. и во втором отчете оно написано иначе. вот то слово, из второго отчета, - brazier. тогда с учетом его значения, элайза называет джосса "разжигателем карьеры" или "растопкой для карьеры")) что-то вроде того. карьерный мангал, короче
гы-гы-гы, кони))) появилось третье написание этого слова - brassiere)))
и тогда получается, что лизка зовет джосса "карьерным лифчиком" - в смысле "карьерной поддержкой"
думаю, этот вариант самый верный, потому что джосс комментирует это словами: That's the t-shirt I'm not going to wear.