...На второстепенные роли набирают актеров по следующим параметрам:
далее следует спойлерная информация...
Male, 33. Sickly, strange. Please Submit All Ethnicities...GUEST STAR
Male, late 40s to mid 50s. Affluent, educated (John Slattery type). Please Submit All Ethnicities...GUEST STAR
Male, 50, charactery. Though he’s a respected, published and tenured Liberal Arts college professor, Gossen is repressed. Please Submit All Ethnicities...GUEST STAR.
Male, 40 to 50. Funny and odd. Please Submit All Ethnicities...GUEST STAR.
Female, 30 to 35. Fuller Figure, traditional good looks. Please Submit All Ethnicities...POSSIBLE ONE DAY GUEST STAR
Female, late 30s to Early 40s. Great figure (ideally a fit model), traditional good looks. Please Submit All Ethnicities...CO-STAR
Female, 22. Great Figure (ideally a fit model), traditional good looks. Please Submit All Ethnicities...CO-STAR
Female, 15 (must be 18 or legal to work as an adult), great figure (ideally a fit model), traditional good looks. Please Submit All Ethnicities...CO-STAR
Эпизод 2.02,
Сезон 2,