воскресенье, 28 сентября 2008
...преполагаемое название эпизода "Цель (Мишень)" /
The Target.
Краткое содержание:
текст на английском. страшные спойлеры!
A group of people, known as "Actives" (or "Dolls"
, have had their personalities wiped clean so they can be imprinted with any number of new personas and hired out for particular jobs, crimes, fantasies and occasional good deeds. When not imprinted, the Actives live, childlike and unremembering, in a hidden facility nicknamed "The Dollhouse". Although the Actives are ostensibly volunteers, the operation is highly illegal, and under constant threat from a determined federal agent on one end and an insane rogue Active on the other. The story hinges around a greater and more subtle threat: Echo, a female Active, begins, in her mind-wiped state, to become self-aware.
На второстепенные роли набирают актеров по следующим параметрам:
снова спойлеры!
A ruggedly handsome 20-something with an easygoing charm. Must be very athletic... HUGE GUEST STAR. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES.
30's to 40's, male, trustworthy... 1-DAY GUEST STAR. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES.
Эпизод 1.03,
Сезон 1,