Вопрос читателя: Any news if Terminator or Dollhouse will be picked up for next year? — PatrickОтвет представителя TV Guide:
(в тексте есть общее описание эпизода 1х06)Ответ представителя TV Guide: Sarah Connor's fate seemed cinched (in the bad way) until last week, when both of Fox's Friday-night shows delivered somewhat unexpected ratings gains. Now, fingers are anxiously crossed in Terminatorland until May, when the final word comes down. The forecast looks a bit better for Dollhouse. Joss Whedon was not kidding when he touted this week's episode as the one to watch. I audibly gasped at least once while screening it, then fast hit rewind to make sure I had indeed heard what I thought I heard. It also boasts one of the best hand-to-hand fight scenes I have seen in some time, a cool reveal about the Dollhouse's business model and, as an added bonus, much shirtless Tahmoh.Очень краткий перевод, по сути: пока будущее "домика" не настолько мрачное, как может показаться, и шансы на продление есть.